Monday, March 30, 2009

Syrian hamsters

The Syrian or Golden Hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, is a very well-known member of the rodent subfamily Cricetinae, the hamsters. In the wild they are now considered vulnerable, but are popular as housepets and scientific research animals. Adults grow from 5 to 7 inches (12.5 to 17.5 cm) in length, and will usually have a lifespan of 2 to 3 years.

Like most members of the subfamily, the Syrian Hamster has expandable cheek pouches, which extend from its cheeks to its shoulders. In the wild, hamsters are larder hoarders; they use their cheek pouches to transport food to their burrows.

Cute aren't they? heehee

A rider in the making

Yes. I've enrolled myself at BBDC for class 2B license. After listening to the briefing there. The person told me a lot of waiting time in between the tests and its impossible to pass within 1.5 months. ):

4 years ago, things are so much different. The waiting time was shorter. You can book your theory test immediately after your evaluation test. Now I've to wait for 1 month. -.-

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Piaggio Vespa

I'm learning class 2B in order to ride this Vespa. Yes! Vespa Lx150. I'm so tempted to own this vintage bike. Haha!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

saving up in bad times

Recently, i found a big hole in my wallet. It must have been there since i started spending a lot on unnecessary stuffs. For the past one month, i have wasted money on insurance, bags, speakers and expensive meals. Its really abundant and i'm starting to sell my stuffs online.

Even my Wii console has to go. Since its been lying there untouched for months. I guess its a good idea to clear unwanted stuffs as they are taking too much space. (:

Lastly, i've got a photo to share. This photo was taken back then while i was young and taken using my DSLR. Hehe.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fort Siloso

Went Fort Siloso today. It was raining. Took several photos in the museum. All about history of World War 2 and Japanese Occupation in 1942-1945.

Inside the Fort Siloso tunnel complex. Articles filled the walls of the passageway, showing the events happening in the British efforts to save Singapore.

The Surrender Chambers where the British Lt. Percival surrender Singapore to the Japanese Imperial army.
General Yamashita

Lt. Percival signing the papers
This is where the Japanese surrendered to the allies after WW2
10 Different representatives from over the globe.

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Speakers!

Edifier E3350

Altec Lansing ATP3

A new pair of speakers for my PC. The Edifier E3350 White. I bought it for $89. I like the design of the subwoofer, which looks like a spaceship. Though the subwoofer isn't as define as my current Altec Lansing ATP3 but the design is sleek and its affordable. It caught my eye during a leisure walk around the IT Fair at Suntec. If it isn't good for my PC, i'll use it as my room speakers to play MP3 instead. Hehe... (:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I did this using photoshop, edited its exposure, satuation and colour. It creates depth from its exposure and warmness from the colour.

Saturday's crowd

Spending the night away

Camera shoots, bowling and supper. A busy Saturday at workplace.

Banana Cream Brulee
The seven parfaits
Mont Blanc
Bowling ShotsSupper at xing wang. We get the name of a staff working there. haha!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nikon D70

Bought a new DSLR camera. Nikon D70. Its super cool. You can take so many nice pictures with this.

Some photos i took while trying out the camera.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What a day!

Me and kelvin went fishing despite of the rain and cold weather. Got to our spot at around 12 noon and there was no sun. Drizzling rain and cold winds. We cast our rod using live prawns and we jig for tanbams. Surprisingly, there were a lot of tanbams but most of them are small, unlike those at labrador jetty. To add on to our adventure, we caught 3 selar papan using that small rod. Its amazing! We also caught 2 queen fish and 2 todaks. I had a great fight with a 3kg queen fish. After that, while i was on my phone, my rod shake and i saw a todak jump from the surface. And once again i had a great fight with the todak as well. It was a fun day. (:

Me holding the 3kg queenfishTodak that bent my hook and damage my line

Thunderstorms risk

I hope there will be a chance for me to cast my rod tomorrow despite of the weather forecast, which indicates there will be thunderstorms tomorrow. If so, it will be another disappointing day. With no fish, there will be no smiles. ):

This is amazing. A man-sized goliath grouper. (:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Rainy season

Weather hasn't been good for the past week and the oncoming days.
Below is the forecast of tomorrow's weather.

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
Temperature: 25°C
Cloudy with a chance of showers or thundershowers. 1 to 3 mm of rain.

Tuesday Morning Temperature: 27°C
A mix of cloud and sun with a chance of showers or thundershowers. 1 to 4 mm of rain.

Tuesday Afternoon Temperature: 30°C
A mix of cloud and sun with showers likely. Chance of a thunderstorm. 2 to 4 mm of rain.

Tuesday Evening Temperature: 27°C
A mix of cloudy and clear skies with showers likely. Chance of a thunderstorm. 2 to 4 mm of rain.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Famous chocolates

Why are Godiva chocolates so expensive? Are they really made with the finest ingredients? Or are they just famous for its brand?