Saturday, June 20, 2009

Overseas Holiday!

YAY! I'm going overseas in 2 days' time. This time me and 4 other peeps are going to Penang as well as Kuala Lumpur for a 6 days free and easy tour. Its damn cool traveling with a bunch of friends, exploring places, tasting good food and not forgetting awesome entertainment. The last holiday trip i went was Bintan. I enjoyed my last trip and I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy this trip as well!

Right after this Malaysia trip, my university studies will commence in 3 days. I'm really looking forward to studies. Been apart from it for more than 3 years already. So yeah~ Study hard. Be a good student and all. Enjoy student privileges. Haha. Student meals! Student card. Join CCAs. Maybe dragonboat. HAHA. OH YAH. I'm gonna miss out the orientation programme. Which falls during I'm overseas. Miss out the fun. HAHA.

Oh yah. Bought a new laptop recently at PC show. Asus F6 series. $1765. Special price. Well, not bad. Haha. Thanks to daddy. Gmask it. GREEN COLOUR. WOOTS! =D

In July, sister's R.O.M. My fourth sister going to marry soon. HAHA. Blissful. Congrats to her. ((:

Work. Still the same ice-cream shop. Many new people came in. Talk abit, work alot, do closing. Boring stuffs. Same routine over and over again. AWW.

SUP. Going bed soon. Time check. 2.01AM. Getting a haircut tomorrow morning. Dying hair. HAHA.


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