Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nike human race, Celine 1st month and dance

Nike Human Race 10k
Had a great run this morning. Waking up during the wee hours before dawn to make my way there. The day the world runs. Upon reaching the venue, a swamp of runners geared up in red crowded the whole area. I couldn't find my friends so i just ran alone for the whole 10km. Amazingly, i completed the run in 1:03'32". Ranked 2201 in Singapore and 19174 in the whole world. Last year my timing was 58mins. Dropped by 5 mins. hahas.

Celine's full month
She is 1 month old. We gathered around her to watch her amazed look when she saw so many people came. She is becoming cuter everyday. hahahas.
I love playing with her hands her palm is only the size of my 1 finger!! lols..

We let her wear her hairband and she will give us the, "I don't want!" look. lols. This is classic! ^^

Showcase for today as it's our last lesson for hiphop beginner course. Each group perform twice and then, Allegra give out our certs. Graduated from hiphop 1! hahahas. Actually nothing to be proud of, since i attended so many times already. Well.. last but not least, i signed up for hiphop 2 commencing next saturday.

Thanks for reading~

A video to share

Do Re Mi~

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