Wednesday, December 16, 2009

X'mas BBQ and gathering

BBQ coming this saturday! Be there peeps! You know who you are. Please bring along a gift to exchange between us! (:
Its about the food and people.

Date: 19th Dec 2009
Venue: Corporation walk
Time: 6pm-11pm
Attire: Casual
Items to bring: A gift not less than $15 value, an empty stomach^^
Expected turnout: 15 friends and family members

See ya there~! (:

Friday, December 11, 2009


Yay! Holidays are here once again! Christmas especially! (:

I wanna watch movies, go for dances and many many more!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mugging for exams

Two papers next week. >.<

Mugging in starbucks now. There are too many distractions at home. BED and making yourself too comfortable is one biggest distraction.

Making yourself study is best when you study with people who are studying as well. (:
Completed few doubtful chapters and moving on. Felt accomplished. (:

Mingwei you must pass these 2 papers or you can jump down from SIM building.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


i feel great, because i've got you.
being there for me, when i feel insecure.
hugging me, like a koala to the tree.
i walk around, with your hand in mine.
you call me and i don't wish to hang up.
our minds fits like water to a mold.
we think like one, though we have unique minds.
i appreciate, every touch and every word you give.
thank you for everything, my very special one.

nothing's gonna change my love for you
you ought to know by now how much i love you
one thing you can be sure of
i'd never ask for more than you love

3 hearts and a kiss <3 <3 <3 mucks

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'll be missing you...

Every step I take
Every move I make
Every single day
Every time I pray
I'll be missing you

Thinking of the day
When you went away
What a life to take
What a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Saturday, November 28, 2009

green text on my lappy case

good stuffs always come in pairs^^
then they are intentional (:

totally in love with green

Sunday, November 22, 2009

you have black face

we both carry iphone 3gs^^

awesome phone.

you have one, so do i! (:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009


FM Static

I Love You

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


啦啦~啦啦啦~~ 啦啦~啦啦啦啦~~

把我的摩卡 加上檸檬混合 會得到什麼
把你的可樂 加上芒果混合 會得到什麼
愛情是什麼 因為你靠近 心跳更快了

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最甜蜜的負荷
你是我的 最微酸的組合
你 是專屬我的

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最勇敢的愛著
你是我的 總是被你牽著
你的 愛瘋狂的 搖滾我的快樂

把我的微笑 加上勇氣混合 會得到什麼
把你的貼心 加上勇氣混合 會得到什麼
愛情是真的 因為我相信 直覺是對的

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最對味的選擇
你是我的 最清朗的笑著
你 是專屬我的

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最幸福的契合
你是我的 未來是閃亮的
你的 愛瘋狂的 搖滾我的快樂

我好喜歡 這種快樂
永遠永遠 有你陪我唱歌

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最幸福的契合
你是我的 未來是閃亮的
你的 愛瘋狂的 搖滾我的快樂

你是我的 最獨家的快樂
你是我的 最勇敢的愛著
你是我的 總是被你牽著
你的 愛瘋狂的 搖滾我的快樂

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nike human race, Celine 1st month and dance

Nike Human Race 10k
Had a great run this morning. Waking up during the wee hours before dawn to make my way there. The day the world runs. Upon reaching the venue, a swamp of runners geared up in red crowded the whole area. I couldn't find my friends so i just ran alone for the whole 10km. Amazingly, i completed the run in 1:03'32". Ranked 2201 in Singapore and 19174 in the whole world. Last year my timing was 58mins. Dropped by 5 mins. hahas.

Celine's full month
She is 1 month old. We gathered around her to watch her amazed look when she saw so many people came. She is becoming cuter everyday. hahahas.
I love playing with her hands her palm is only the size of my 1 finger!! lols..

We let her wear her hairband and she will give us the, "I don't want!" look. lols. This is classic! ^^

Showcase for today as it's our last lesson for hiphop beginner course. Each group perform twice and then, Allegra give out our certs. Graduated from hiphop 1! hahahas. Actually nothing to be proud of, since i attended so many times already. Well.. last but not least, i signed up for hiphop 2 commencing next saturday.

Thanks for reading~

A video to share

Do Re Mi~

Friday, October 23, 2009

our footsteps

I love xiao long bao from din tai feng. ^^
The feeling of the soup bursting inside your mouth is awesome.
It just makes you go boomz~! *Does hand gesture*

A video to share~


Sunday, October 18, 2009


A festival of lights. A street filled with none other than indians, bangladeshies. Making trouble, shouting, whistling hugging each other from the same sex. Me and bao, we make our way through the streets of little india. =)

We walked down to Mustafa. Did some shopping. The stuffs there were super cheap.
hahas. after that we walked home. walked home~ :)

Yesterday, we booked a dance studio to practice for $90. At least we came out with something different. :) See you guys next sat!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Le Xin and dance

Baby Le Xin's one month celebration on 24th Oct. I'm so in love with her. Although i heard she is a terror when she cries. hahas. Haven't visited her for a week already. Maybe next few days? :)

Yesterday choreo was dope. We even learn basic waacking. Jeff was chosen as the best waacking example. Hahaha! We wrote a card for Titus and Po each. Hahaha!

Went to vivo for late dinner then...
Powerhouse with DWZ seniors to celebrate PO's birthday. Dance non-stop for 2 hours with the crazy crowd. Oh the place was so crowded with all kinds of people. Went with Anselm, Raymond, Zhao xian, Celeste Justina, Ashie, Meiyan, Jiayao, Sophie and most of the seniors. Unexpectedly, i saw Kelvin Chua outside. Hahas. He sure looks seh. Hahas! Lastly, home on Joseph's car with Zhaoxian and Celeste. =)

Happy Birthday PO!!!!
Happy Birthday PO!!!!
Happy Birthday PO!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dance day

Skinny jeans so tight look like leggings~
Skinny jeans so tight look like leggings~

Love DWZ. Went for auditions this morning. Felt quite screwed up by the choreography. However, the freestyle part gets me going. I don't know why i can't absorb that fast. Sigh. Never mind, at least i went for audition!! Some accomplishment! :)

I think i may K.O anytime now. Didn't have enough sleep last night plus waking up early and working. Rushing my pp lab work just now and now it's all done and submitted! :) Another accomplishment!

A video to share...

My idol. My love. Pretty right? (:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

school term 2

School started on 1st Oct. Currently taking 2 modules which are as usual, boring. One is Algorithms and problem-solving, the other, Procedural programming.

One thing i don't like about this school term, that is, i have to wake up early for morning lessons. I have been late for almost every morning lesson now. It's affecting my concentration too. I don't find this problem when having mid-noon classes. The flowchart thing needs a lot of thinking and my brain is only 50% utilized.


YAY! Gonna try for advance team auditions this saturday. The freestyle part still nerves me. Well, good luck to everyone participating! Hope Xiaohei's class is fun! :)

Someone refer me to yun nan hair care. hahas. they ask me go try their treatment for $1. cheaper than a can of coke. :)


Kyle Hanagami - Swaggerific

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A distant vacation

My bunch of travel buddies have plans to go somewhere else next vacation. Upon much discussion, the country will be Australia. I know its rather far and its rather costly to travel there. But we will save up for it. Come to think of it, I've been traveling to Malaysia almost every holiday. My passport is full of Malaysia's customs stamps. So colorful yet dull. Haha. Well, its time we make this destination possible. With some determination, we will be able to swim in the Gold Coast and step foot in Sydney. (:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First day of school

Today is my very first day of school and the first lesson i had today is discrete mathematics. First lesson is going at a rather fast pace. One topic in a 3-hour lecture. Had a class of about 40 students. Not very big class as i heard this is only a bridging course for people like me. We are taught those fundamentals of IT and essential subjects.

I find it rather challenging to fully understand the first topic of my course today. Which is Logic. Its all about proving statements and reasoning. Not really a lot of calculations but mainly on reasoning. I found out that there are really a bigger family of mathematics out there than i know. Hehheh.

Lecture notes MATH121Cool notes with a fish. LOL. MATH121.
You need an IQ of at least 121 to pass this subject.
Believe it or not?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stupid virus

My manager just told me something which is so inadequate. By popping me with a question whether i'm infected with the floating H1N1 virus. Come on. If i'm infected, why am i still be able to enter my school with temperature checks everyday. Just because i came back from overseas, a much lowly infected country; Malaysia, as compared to Singapore. Which bears a total of over 600 cases. I'm at home. Doing nothing everyday. Wasting time. Why couldn't you put us to work when people are going to school everyday?
Hey, by dropping ur last message asking me to "stay home then" isn't going anywhere. Is this what a manager should do when it comes to solving work matters? I hate working with people with no professionalism. There is no trust between staffs and higher management. We know this virus is floating around like nobody's business but if everyone is afraid, then why bother to work. Can close the shop for safety. You could ask any singaporean to wear mask, but who will listen? The government isn't going to code red. People still go shopping for GSS. Doing their daily routines. But no one can stop them. So what makes u stop me from working?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back in Singapore

After 5 days of traveling, eating, exploring. I'm finally back home. It was an awesome holiday with a group of my friends.

Group Photo in Penang

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Overseas Holiday!

YAY! I'm going overseas in 2 days' time. This time me and 4 other peeps are going to Penang as well as Kuala Lumpur for a 6 days free and easy tour. Its damn cool traveling with a bunch of friends, exploring places, tasting good food and not forgetting awesome entertainment. The last holiday trip i went was Bintan. I enjoyed my last trip and I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy this trip as well!

Right after this Malaysia trip, my university studies will commence in 3 days. I'm really looking forward to studies. Been apart from it for more than 3 years already. So yeah~ Study hard. Be a good student and all. Enjoy student privileges. Haha. Student meals! Student card. Join CCAs. Maybe dragonboat. HAHA. OH YAH. I'm gonna miss out the orientation programme. Which falls during I'm overseas. Miss out the fun. HAHA.

Oh yah. Bought a new laptop recently at PC show. Asus F6 series. $1765. Special price. Well, not bad. Haha. Thanks to daddy. Gmask it. GREEN COLOUR. WOOTS! =D

In July, sister's R.O.M. My fourth sister going to marry soon. HAHA. Blissful. Congrats to her. ((:

Work. Still the same ice-cream shop. Many new people came in. Talk abit, work alot, do closing. Boring stuffs. Same routine over and over again. AWW.

SUP. Going bed soon. Time check. 2.01AM. Getting a haircut tomorrow morning. Dying hair. HAHA.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Left 4 dead

Recently, i've been playing Left 4 Dead with some friends online. Its a popular first-person-shooter (FPS) game released about a year ago. I've also heard the 2nd sequel to this game is releasing soon in November this year. The previews are out. Well, some people say its good while others don't really like it.

The game consists of 4 characters. Namely Francis, Louis, Bill and Zoey. When played alone, you and 3 other computer (AI) players team up and kill zombies to fight your way through each campaign. Talking about zombies, not only you face normal low-life walking-corpse, but there are a few strong monsters appearing randomly.

They are the Hunter, Smoker, Boomer, Witch and the ultimately huge Tank. Among all these, the Tank is the only one your team has to combine firepower to kill it.






Lastly, a Left 4 Dead 2 gameplay video to share. (:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Pet Hamster

my hamster. Mr hairy. =)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Haagen Dazs Gathering

Picnic at Singapore Botanical Gardens

Raffles City family

Although not all were present, but glad to see most of them make the effort to come. Went East Coast for dinner, Siglap Haagen Dazs for ice cream, Town for some zombies killin. Haha. More gatherings coming up. Next time will be a much bigger group. (:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Big Groove 2009

The Big Groove 2009
Asia Hiphop Festival

The biggest Hiphop concert ever.

7.30 PM
28th June 2009.
Singapore Expo Hall 1.
$20 (from 10th - 31st May)
$25 (from 1st to 27th June)
$30 (at the door)

Tickets available from SISTIC now.

Click the link below to go directly to SISTIC web page


Ask your friends and family to be in the biggest dance concert this year!

The Big Groove 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Red Bull X Fighters Exhibition Tour 2009

Went out with a few friends tonight for an exciting show happening at The Singapore Flyer.

Yeap. Its the most thrilling showcases of motor-cross by 4 riders of Redbull.
Singapore will be the first of a three-stop Asia Pacific Tour which includes Taipei and Hong Kong. This means that we are the first in the region to catch this world class FMX display.

I took out my D70 and started snapping while the crowd is starting to cheer for the riders.
Most of them looks blurred but i've to admit that being there beats what you're seeing here.

Redbull Riders

Rev-ing Up

Claire Jedrek and Rod Monteiro

Redbull riders after a round of performance

We went off after 2 rounds of their performance but those were heart-pumping action from the riders. The death-defying stunts and the 360 backflip was indeed stunning!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Somehow i thought these were nicely taken using the outline effect. It was taken using my handphone camera. Its how amazing a handphone camera is capable of.

Notice that these pictures look very like drawings using charcoal or pencil. They appear very artistic and natural.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NIS 2009

I bought Norton Internet Security 2009 yesterday for just $29! I was rather amaze by its abilities. Its very organized and very different from the Norton i used years ago. They indeed improved progressively.

It only uses 4% of my CPU usage while running in background. Hehe. I'm glad i bought the right stuff. (:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

2009 南拳媽媽

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Planning to go KL.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Syrian hamsters

The Syrian or Golden Hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, is a very well-known member of the rodent subfamily Cricetinae, the hamsters. In the wild they are now considered vulnerable, but are popular as housepets and scientific research animals. Adults grow from 5 to 7 inches (12.5 to 17.5 cm) in length, and will usually have a lifespan of 2 to 3 years.

Like most members of the subfamily, the Syrian Hamster has expandable cheek pouches, which extend from its cheeks to its shoulders. In the wild, hamsters are larder hoarders; they use their cheek pouches to transport food to their burrows.

Cute aren't they? heehee

A rider in the making

Yes. I've enrolled myself at BBDC for class 2B license. After listening to the briefing there. The person told me a lot of waiting time in between the tests and its impossible to pass within 1.5 months. ):

4 years ago, things are so much different. The waiting time was shorter. You can book your theory test immediately after your evaluation test. Now I've to wait for 1 month. -.-

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Piaggio Vespa

I'm learning class 2B in order to ride this Vespa. Yes! Vespa Lx150. I'm so tempted to own this vintage bike. Haha!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

saving up in bad times

Recently, i found a big hole in my wallet. It must have been there since i started spending a lot on unnecessary stuffs. For the past one month, i have wasted money on insurance, bags, speakers and expensive meals. Its really abundant and i'm starting to sell my stuffs online.

Even my Wii console has to go. Since its been lying there untouched for months. I guess its a good idea to clear unwanted stuffs as they are taking too much space. (:

Lastly, i've got a photo to share. This photo was taken back then while i was young and taken using my DSLR. Hehe.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fort Siloso

Went Fort Siloso today. It was raining. Took several photos in the museum. All about history of World War 2 and Japanese Occupation in 1942-1945.

Inside the Fort Siloso tunnel complex. Articles filled the walls of the passageway, showing the events happening in the British efforts to save Singapore.

The Surrender Chambers where the British Lt. Percival surrender Singapore to the Japanese Imperial army.
General Yamashita

Lt. Percival signing the papers
This is where the Japanese surrendered to the allies after WW2
10 Different representatives from over the globe.